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Starting a Business

How the SaaS Business Model Works

Is starting a SaaS company a sure-thing or a pipe dream? Depends on who you ask. An ever-growing $150 billion market that shows no signs of slowing...

Starting a Business

Setting Up Social Media

Social Media can be one of the best ways to grow your business, but also a great way to waste a lot of time with little reward. We’re going to show...

Starting a Business

Why some developers become successful founders and others don’t

What’s the most common denominator amongst dev shop founders and freelance developers alike? They’re hoping that one day, they’ll launch a successful...

Starting a Business

Business formation 101 for SaaS companies

Business entities aren’t one-size-fits-all. But, several options benefit and protect SaaS founders and their companies. Whether you need to make...

Starting a Business

Is Remote-only right for your business?

Baremetrics is a remote-only company, meaning we are a geographically dispersed team that communicates virtually. We don’t have a main office or...

Starting a Business

12 business ideas that require little or no startup capital

So you want to be your own boss? Start a successful business? But you worry about the risk and potential hardship that comes with funding your...

Starting a Business

Bootstrapping vs. Funding: Which is better for your company?

The question asked by most founders when it comes to funding a startup is… Should I bootstrap it? Or fund it with a venture capital company? This is...

Starting a Business

Build vs. Buy: 5 questions to ask before deciding on custom software development

To build or not to build? That is the question (that most startups face at some point in early stages). Software is vital to the growth and...

Starting a Business

How to achieve overnight success in your business

Every day we are bombarded with endless success stories about the latest unicorn startup. From the outside looking in, it’s easy to assume they got...

Starting a Business

How to create a marketing budget for your startup

One of the biggest challenges that startup companies face is the marketing process: how to market, where to market, and what to spend are puzzles...

Starting a Business

SaaS Business Ideas

If you’re contemplating starting a business, there’s a good chance you’ve considered starting it in the SaaS space. As consumers, we’re familiar with...

Starting a Business

Getting your legal ducks in a row

Lawyers. Wait, don’t stop reading yet! The legal stuff seems opaque and boring, but it’s make or break for your company. Avoiding legal troubles when...

Starting a Business

Office Space

You’ve got the product, the pricing, and the customers. Now it’s time to hang the proverbial shingle and get some office space right?! Well, maybe.

Starting a Business

Getting your first customers

So, you’ve got a product that you’re ready to charge people money for. Awesome! But how do you actually get people to start paying you money?...

Starting a Business

How to validate your idea

Validating your idea What is the best method to validate? You’ve undoubtably read a slew of articles on how to validate your business or product. Get...

Starting a Business

How to price your SaaS

Pricing your SaaS Figuring out how much to charge folks to use your product is tricky. It’s kind of a dark art in a sense… you have to ask yourself...