New Metric: Revenue Churn

Josh Pigford on March 18, 2014

Churn is one of those metrics that you hate to even think about. If only none of us had churn and our businesses just grew forever and ever. Alas, that isn’t the case and it’s something we have to address as some point.

We’ve had a User Churn metric from the start, but user churn only only tells part of the story.

The other part of the story is Revenue Churn. Or, how much revenue you’re losing in a billing period. And today, we’ve launched a new Revenue Churn metric!

Most of the time, User Churn will be higher than Revenue Churn because, for most businesses, a large percentage of user churn happens on lower paying plans.

Hope you and enjoy, and hope your revenue churn is much lower than you thought it’d be. 🙂

Josh Pigford

Josh is most famous as the founder of Baremetrics. However, long before Baremetrics and until today, Josh has been a maker, builder, and entrepreneur. His career set off in 2003 building a pair of link directories, ReallyDumbStuff and ReallyFunArcade. Before he sold those for profits, he had already started his next set of projects. As a design major, he began consulting on web design projects. That company eventually morphed into Sabotage Media, which has been the shell company for many of his projects since. Some of his biggest projects before Baremetrics were TrackThePack, Deck Foundry, PopSurvey, and Temper. The pain points he experienced as PopSurvey and Temper took off were the reason he created Baremetrics. Currently, he's dedicated to Maybe, the OS for your personal finances.