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What Are Accounts Receivable?

June 27, 2023

Let’s be honest; I hate accounting jargon and hate jargon-filled explanations even more. This article will explain what accounts receivable are and how Find out all about accounts receivable and...

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Quick Ratio vs. Current Ratio vs. Acid Test Ratio

June 27, 2023

Business leaders in every niche look to financial ratios and metrics to evaluate their company’s performance. It is no different in SaaS, and every year Baremetrics monitors your SaaS quick ratio,...

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Remote Work for Startups: 5 Tips for Virtually Managing Your Team

June 27, 2023

A major issue that remote startups face is managing their teams. After all, asynchronous communication can have a serious negative impact on growing A major issue that remote startups face is...

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6 Tips for Hiring off Upwork

June 27, 2023

If you’re not familiar with Upwork, stop what you’re doing and read this. The online platform describes itself as a 'marketplace that connects businesses This article will cover everything you need...

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What is GAAP Accounting?

June 27, 2023

GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles and standards. These procedures and principles are issued by the Financial Accounting Standards GAAP accounting standards apply to all...

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SaaS Price Increase: How to Raise Prices Without Upsetting Customers

June 27, 2023

For most SaaS businesses, customer acquisition is one of the most challenging stages of growth. For most, the easiest ways to increase customer This article talks about the various reasons why saas...

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How to set up Baremetrics Recover to Maximize ROI

June 27, 2023

Using a SaaS tool or feature for the first time can be difficult and even discouraging. You purchased with one goal in mind: increase revenue.When you In this article, we’re going to walk you through...

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Stripe Reports: What Is and Isn’t Available

June 27, 2023

Stripe, Inc. (mostly referred to as Stripe) was founded in 2010. Stripe is a payment processing company but is also used to create reports. The company Stripe is a popular payment tool with financial...

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Bookkeeping for Your SaaS Business

June 27, 2023

A bookkeeper is responsible for keeping accurate and up-to-date information on the financial health of your business. Although bookkeepers and accountants Unlock your full potential of bookkeeping...

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5 Tips for Handling HR as a Start-Up

June 27, 2023

As a SaaS founder, a hundred tasks are bound to occupy your mind on a daily basis. We’re willing to bet that Human Resources isn’t one of them – but Read 5 Tips for Handling HR as a Start-Up and how...

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Do Churn-Based LTV Calculations Mislead Us?

June 27, 2023

Lifetime Value (LTV) is one of the most important metrics we follow in SaaS. It tells us the value our customers bring to our business.

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How To Lead A Hybrid Team Post Covid

June 27, 2023

Workplaces have been slowly moving towards a flexible model for some time now. This is especially the case in the SaaS world. Just a few years ago, If you lead a hybrid team, our bet is you’ll need...

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Managing Total Expenses: A How To Guide

June 27, 2023

Business owners are constantly thinking about company finances. How do I maximize my company’s profit margin? Should I spend more on advertising or A guide on how to manage your total expenses |...

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Setting up your Baremetrics Account

June 27, 2023

Today we're walking through some of your FAQs and showing the best practices for setting up your Baremetrics account. The first step of the journey is to Today we're walking through some of your FAQs...

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Customer Segmentation Examples for SaaS Businesses

June 27, 2023

Lies, damned lies, and statistics. It’s no secret that numbers can be wildly misleading, and business metrics are no exception.Yes, metrics are absolutely Baremetrics allows you to get granular about...

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Understanding Failed Payments in Your SaaS Business

June 27, 2023

Failed payments in SaaS can be a real issue for both the customers and your company. Anyone tasked with understanding why payments decline or fail Understand and monitor failed payments based on what...

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What is Net Sales Revenue: Net Revenue vs. Net Sales Revenue

June 27, 2023

Is net revenue the same as net sales? Good question. Learn the similarities and differences between net revenue vs net sales in this Baremetrics blog.

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How to Build a SaaS Customer Acquisition Strategy

June 27, 2023

Acquiring customers for SaaS is a completely different ball game altogether than, say, for the traditional business models (think: eCommerce, for 5 keys to building a purpose driven acquisition...

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Chargebee Reviews

June 27, 2023

Chargebee is a company that offers a wide range of features and toutes itself as the leader in subscription billing management.Within their platform, This article shares reviews of Chargebee and how...

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How to Bring Back Disengaged Users

June 27, 2023

At a time when there are more SaaS solutions than ever before, keeping users engaged and bringing back disengaged users with your product has become In this article, you’ll learn how to bring back...

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Data Enrichment vs. Lead Qualification

June 27, 2023

Sales outreach is one of the most important activities you can do to grow your SaaS company. This allows you to connect with potential buyers and This article discusses data enrichment vs. lead...

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Baremetrics Recover: What You Need to Know

June 27, 2023

As a SaaS founder, you know that customer churn has the greatest negative impact on your business. You could continue iterating your onboarding how to get the most out of using Baremetrics Recover,...

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The Ultimate Guide to Cancellation Insights

June 27, 2023

Nobody likes to see customers churn. But understanding why they churn can help your team discover areas of improvement and make data-driven

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How to Drive SaaS Growth With Cold Email

June 27, 2023

People hate cold emailing. They think it’s a waste of time to create lists and send campaigns when the average cold email open rate is 22%.But don’t let Follow these steps and tricks to write a...

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Pipedrive CRM: What it is and how to integrate it with Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

Pipedrive is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. CRMs help organizations manage interactions with current and potential customers, increase Integrate Pipedrive CRM with Baremetrics to...

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