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Revenue vs. Income

June 27, 2023

Revenue and income are sometimes used synonymously in day-to-day conversation, however they are very different terms in business, and it is important to This article explores revenue vs. income, how...

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Understanding Purchase Cycles

June 27, 2023

Most businesses are aware their customers go through different phases before they reach a decision. Very broadly, these phases are known as the Purchase This article is about a magic formula for...

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ProfitWell vs. Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

For a SaaS business to survive, it needs to track its business data. For a SaaS business to thrive, it needs to deeply understand what the business This article outlines the differences between...

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What Is Working Capital?

June 27, 2023

Working capital is the difference between a company’s current assets and its current liabilities. It is sometimes referred to as net working capital, and This article discusses working capital,...

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What Is Operating Income?

June 27, 2023

Operating income is essentially the money left over after you deduct all direct and indirect expenses from net revenue. It is one of the many totals that This article discusses operating income, how...

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Perpetual License vs. Annual License vs. Subscriptions

June 27, 2023

The ultimate goal of any developer with an idea for some useful software is monetization. Software monetization is simply the act of generating revenue Learn the difference between Perpetual License...

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What Is Net Cash Flow?

June 27, 2023

Simply put, the net cash flow is all the money coming in minus all the money going out. This metric is usually surfaced on your statement of cash flow. This article describes net cash flow, how to...

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Calculating Growth Rates in SaaS

June 27, 2023

Before people ever started calculating growth rates for economic activity, governments used the growth rate formula to determine population growth. Ever Here's an article on how you can calculate...

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What Is Accrual Accounting?

June 27, 2023

If you remember our discussion on bookkeeping (where you can find useful definitions of many of the terms used here), which discusses the difference This article explains the accrual accounting...

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Best Accounting Tools for Small Businesses

June 27, 2023

Very few people like bookkeeping or accounting, and even fewer can do it well. However, these are the core processes to any successful business, and a Learn about the best accounting tools for small...

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What Is an Income Statement for SaaS?

June 27, 2023

The income statement is one of the three main statements that show the financial health of a company (along with the balance sheet and the statement of Learn about income statements, items commonly...

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The Principles of SaaS Accounting

June 27, 2023

This article will dive into the main principles of accounting for SaaS. The Baremetrics blog has a ton of articles about accounting, so be sure to check SaaS accounting is different from typical...

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What Is a Payment Ledger?

June 27, 2023

A payment ledger is one of the basic tools of bookkeeping. It helps to record payments related to a specific purpose. This might be anything from a small This article discusses the payment ledger,...

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SaaS Balance Sheets – With Example

June 27, 2023

SaaS balance sheets are one of the three main financial statements you need for your SaaS company. Learn how to make one with this SaaS balance sheet example.

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Examples of Assets in SaaS

June 27, 2023

In general terms, assets are anything of value owned by someone or something. Assets can be anything from a building to a copyright. They are items that We provide examples of assets, how assets are...

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What Is Price Leadership?

June 27, 2023

When one company, or a group of companies, has a large enough market share in an industry, it may be able to push the price away from the equilibrium. This article explains how price leadership works...

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10 Examples of Revenue Models for SaaS

June 27, 2023

Need a SaaS revenue model for your business? We've got you covered. Check out these revenue model examples to find the best option for your SaaS business.

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What is equity in accounting?

June 27, 2023

If you’ve ever owned stakes in a company, then you may already know what is meant by equity. However, equity accounting is not just about the shares owned This article will teach you all about equity...

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Revenue vs. Profit

June 27, 2023

When discussing the financial metrics for a SaaS company, revenue vs. profit is among the most common comparisons encountered. This is because these two In this article, you will find discussions on...

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Matching and Revenue Recognition Principles

June 27, 2023

While companies are a bit more free to perform bookkeeping according to their own needs, accounting is a very organized and rigid discipline. While that We are going to look at two of those...

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MQL vs. PQL vs. SQL: How to Better Qualify Leads

June 27, 2023

Before the advent of lead qualification, sales and marketing teams would spend way too much trying to convert leads generated during marketing Find out all you need to know about MQL vs. PQL vs. SQL...

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How to Build a Growth-Focused SEO Strategy for Every Stage of the Funnel

June 27, 2023

Growing traffic into conversions is the ultimate goal for all of us, but is your site stagnating despite all your best efforts? Sure you may have all the Read on to find out how to build a...

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What is Recurring Billing?

June 27, 2023

Most SaaS businesses adopt a subscription-based model supported by a recurring payment system. Setting up a recurring payment system can be complicated Recurring billing is a common monetization...

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Earned and Incurred Accounting: What’s the difference?

June 27, 2023

Wondering the difference between incurred vs. earned accounting? No problem. Read our blog to dive into the definitions of incurred and earned accounting.

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Alternative Marketing Strategies for SaaS Businesses

June 27, 2023

The phone rings. It’s the sales rep from that new gym you’ve been checking out. Do you pick up? Or do you dismiss the call after a few rings? If you chose Alternative marketing is a marketing...

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