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Get Better PayPal Analytics with Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

PayPal is a popular choice for online payment processing. The platform currently serves over 20 million active merchant accounts globally, and is a proven PayPal Analytics: Baremetrics is the...

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MRR Growth Rate vs. Net MRR Growth Rate

June 27, 2023

As a SaaS or subscription-based company, you want to keep a watchful eye on your monthly recurring revenue and net MRR. These metrics are an indicator of Your MRR and Net MRR Growth Rates are...

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MetricFire Powers Business Analytics with Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

MetricFire uses Baremetrics to get deeper analytics on their data from Stripe and to segment their customers for group-specific insights.

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How to Create a SaaS Marketing Plan in 7 Steps

June 27, 2023

Anyone in tech can tell you, the SaaS industry is growing at an insane rate. With over 21,000 SaaS companies in the market, the growth is projected How to create a SaaS marketing plan in 7 Steps |...

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Baremetrics eBook: Beating Competition in SaaS

June 27, 2023

As an entrepreneur, one of the biggest sources of stress you have with your startup is likely your competition. There’s already a company that does

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SaaS Financial Benchmarks by Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

Get financial benchmarks for key metrics such as MRR, LTV, and churn. See financial benchmarks for SaaS companies and compare metrics directly

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Price Optimization in SaaS: A Series

June 27, 2023

Many SaaS subscription products launch with prices far below their potential value. Maybe they do this to encourage sign-ups. Or perhaps it’s just a stab

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Startup Financial Model: Building a Startup Financial Model

June 27, 2023

Building a startup financial model is an important first step in the life of your SaaS company. Here's how to build one that works.

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6 Tips for Effective Data Sharing using Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

In today's technology at some point, you will need to do some data sharing with other employees. Learn 6 tips to efficiently share your data.

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Stripe vs. Profitwell

June 27, 2023

Confused between Stripe vs. Profitwell? Let's explore their similarities and differences to give you a clear overview of these two platforms

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Get accurate financial metrics with Baremetrics

June 27, 2023

See a list of high priority financial metrics for SaaS businesses. Get accurate financial metrics and automations triggered by your metrics.

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Price Optimization in SaaS: What Does Churn Tell Us?

June 27, 2023

Churn is everywhere in the SaaS world. It’s an essential metric to follow. Learn what how to read churn and what does it tell us.

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10 Must-Read Books for Startup Founders

June 27, 2023

A proven way to learn new things is by reading books by successful founders. We asked the Baremetrics Twitter community for their top recs.

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What is data enrichment?

June 27, 2023

Learn about Data Enrichment. What it is, how it works, and how Baremetrics can help you with your data enrichment needs. | Baremetrics

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15 SEO Hacks for SaaS Startups

June 27, 2023

SEO's are important. In this article, learn 15 SEO hacks for your SaaS company to grow organically and rank in Google Search. | Baremetrics

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What Metrics Does Baremetrics Monitor?

June 27, 2023

Baremetrics monitors 28 metrics, and on top of that offers 8 data boosting features so you can get more out of your metrics.

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A Guide To Influencer Marketing for Subscription Businesses In 2023

June 27, 2023

Influencer marketing has effectively taken the world of social media by storm.General users love to see content from influencers, and businesses want to

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How to Migrate Customer Data from PayPal to Stripe: Everything You Need to Know

June 27, 2023

This article covers in detail how to migrate customer data from PayPal to Stripe, using Stripe's resources as well as custom logic.

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10 Scalable Ways to Improve SaaS Customer Success

June 27, 2023

This article covers 10 ways to improve SaaS customer success. For small teams looking to scale efforts, here are some proven ways to start.

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Customer Segmentation vs. Market Segmentation

June 27, 2023

Wrestling with customer segmentation vs. market segmentation? Which approach offers the best insights into your customer base? | Baremetrics

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Top Customer Retention Rate Mistakes

June 27, 2023

Customer retention rate mistakes are common in many businesses. This article looks at some pitfalls and how to avoid them.

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Customer Segmentation Models: A Smarter Approach

June 27, 2023

Customer segmentation models offer a smarter approach to your digital marketing strategy. Here's how to make use of these insights.

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Customer Advocacy: A Critical Aspect of SaaS Marketing

June 27, 2023

Customer advocacy means putting the wants and needs of your customers first. Although it sounds like an obvious thing companies would have as part of Read why customer advocacy is important in...

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What Makes Tracking SaaS Metrics Different?

June 27, 2023

SaaS businesses have unique challenges when it comes to financial modeling and reporting. Read our blog to learn more. | Baremetrics

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What is CRM and How Can It Help You?

June 27, 2023

A CRM tool supports customer relationship, management, marketing and business operations. Learn how it works with help from Baremetrics.

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